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B. Gailleton

# scabbard: Hydrodynamics, Topographic Analysis, and Landscape Evolution Modeling

scabbard is a powerful software tool for manipulating topographic data, designed for geomorphological and large-scale hydraulic applications. View Source on GitHub

It integrates tools and methodologies from libtopotoolbox, fastscapelib, and LSDTopoTools (either directly or reimplemented) while providing its own high-performance processing engines using:

  • C++ for core computational tasks,
  • Numba (a Just-In-Time compiler for Python targeting CPUs),
  • Taichi Lang (a JIT compiler targeting GPUs).

# Installation

Installing scabbard is quick and straightforward, thanks to GitHub CI automation. In your Python environment, simply run:

pip install pyscabbard

This will automatically install the main dependencies, including:

  • pytopotoolbox,
  • numpy,
  • matplotlib,
  • fastscapelib,
  • taichi,
  • and a precompiled version of DAGGER, the core C++ engine.

# Getting Started

As of November 2024, scabbard is under active development, with continuous updates to its documentation, tutorials, examples, and API references. The software has become my primary tool in 2024, and significant efforts have been made to unify and streamline its interface to simplify development for both myself and others.

## Key Resources:

  • graphflood: Documentation is available here.
  • API Reference: Currently a work-in-progress; likely to be generated using sphinx.
  • Example Scripts: Check out this repository for example scripts. More are being added regularly.

# Why scabbard?

The ultimate goal of scabbard is to address scientific questions to understand the complex multi-scale interactions between rivers, landscapes and climatic and tectonic forcings by providing an efficient and cohesive suite of tools for researchers, and for myself also, to be honest.

# Roadmap

What am I developping next? It really depends on my ongoing research projects and collaborations. Feel free to reach out to express a need and we shall see what we can do.

Ongoing work on:

  • Keep on unifying a graphflood interface
  • Adding visualisations routines
  • Refactoring the river network extraction
  • Link/implement CHONK

# Contact

Any question? Want to collaborate or even develop `scabbard`?
Boris Gailleton: