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B. Gailleton

I worked on multiple research softwares, either as lead developer or as collaborator.

As of 2024, I am merging my geomorphology-related ones into a single main `python` package, `scabbard`, streamlining the installation process and homogeneising the use.


scabbard is my main python package. It contains most of geomorphology-oriented codes:

  • graphflood, efficient 2D hydrodynamic oriented for large scale studies (+ ongoing portage to GPUs)
  • DEM loading and processing
  • Topographic analysis routines
  • Fluvial analysis routines
  • Visualisations routines
  • Landscape Evolution Models (CHONK and related)
  • Backends in numba, c++, taichi lang (GPU) with standardised APIs to create new tools seamlessly

scabbard documentation is available HERE

Contact: if any questions, or leave an issue on github.


graphflood is a novel method combining graph theory and Manning's equation to solve for the stationary Shallow Water Equation. The approximation is tailored for large scale analysis. Its CPU and GPU versions are part of scabbard package.

graphflood documentation is available HERE

I am currently building that website, here you will find soon information about LSDTopoTools, lsdtopytools, fastscape-litho, TVD_Condat, …