💻📜🎤🌲 Publications Record
Welcome to my publication record, organized chronologically for easy reference.
Many of these works are open-access. If you need assistance locating a specific paper, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at boris.gailleton@univ-rennes.fr.
Each journal entry includes a 📖 link to paper and a 🎓 link to google scholar.

Find bellow the extended list of my publications, you can also check my google scholar profile:
- Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca C, Cordonnier, Guillaume, Braun, Jean. CHONK 1.0: Landscape Evolution Framework: Cellular Automata Meets Graph Theory. Geoscientific Model Development, 2024. (1 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Steer, Philippe, Davy, Philippe, Schwanghart, Wolfgang, Bernard, Thomas. GraphFlood 1.0: An Efficient Algorithm to Approximate 2D Hydrodynamics for Landscape Evolution Models. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2024. (0 citations)
- Graf, Emma LS, Sinclair, Hugh D, Attal, Mikaël, Gailleton, Boris, Adhikari, Basanta Raj, Baral, Bishnu Raj. Geomorphological and Hydrological Controls on Sediment Export in Earthquake-Affected Catchments in the Nepal Himalaya. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2024. (5 citations)
- Oryan, Bar, Gailleton, Boris, Olive, Jean-Arthur, Malatesta, Luca, Jolivet, Romain. Inferring Long-Term Tectonic Uplift Patterns from Bayesian Inversion of Fluvially-Incised Landscapes. No Journal, 2024. (0 citations)
- Oryan, Bar, Olive, Jean-Arthur, Jolivet, Romain, Malatesta, Luca C, Gailleton, Boris, Bruhat, Lucile. Megathrust Locking Encoded in Subduction Landscapes. Science Advances, 2024. (0 citations)
- Ruiz Sánchez-Oro, Marina, Mudd, Simon M, Gailleton, Boris. Using Disorder Metrics to Distinguish Discharge-Driven from Drainage Area-Driven Incision and Quantify Deviations in Channel Steepness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2024. (0 citations)
- Tzathas, Petros, Gailleton, Boris, Steer, Philippe, Cordonnier, Guillaume. Physically-Based Analytical Erosion for Fast Terrain Generation. Computer Graphics Forum, 2024. (0 citations)
- Graf, Emma, Sinclair, Hugh, Attal, Mikael, Gailleton, Boris, Adhikari, Basanta Raj, Baral, Bishnu Raj. Geomorphological and Hydrological Controls on Sediment Export in Earthquake-Affected Catchments in the Nepal Himalaya. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2024. (0 citations)
- Oryan, Bar, Gailleton, Boris, Olive, Jean-Arthur, Malatesta, Luca, Jolivet, Romain. Inferring Long-Term Tectonic Uplift Patterns from Bayesian Inversion of Fluvially-Incised Landscapes. No Journal, 2024. (0 citations)
- Sánchez-Oro, Marina Ruiz, Mudd, Simon Marius, Gailleton, Boris. Can We Use Topography to Differentiate between Area and Discharge-Driven Incision Rules, and If Not How Bad Are Our Estimates of Channel Steepness?. Authorea Preprints, 2024. (0 citations)
- Aminov, Jovid, Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume, Ruiz, Diego, Gailleton, Boris. Paleogeographic Reconstructions Using QGIS: Introducing Terra Antiqua Plugin and Its Application to 30 and 50 Ma Maps. Earth-Science Reviews, 2023. (2 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca, Cordonnier, Guillaume, Braun, Jean. CHONK 1.0: Landscape Evolution Framework: Cellular Automata Meets Graph Theory. EGUsphere, 2023. (0 citations)
- Bernard, Thomas, Sinclair, Hugh D, Gailleton, Boris, Fox, Matthew. Formation of Longitudinal River Valleys and the Fixing of Drainage Divides in Response to Exhumation of Crystalline Basement. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021. (14 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon M, Clubb, Fiona J, Grieve, Stuart WD, Hurst, Martin D. Impact of Changing Concavity Indices on Channel Steepness and Divide Migration Metrics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021. (35 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, \relax HD, Mudd, \relax SM, Graf, \relax ELS, Ma\textcommabelow tenco, \relax LC. Isolating Lithologic versus Tectonic Signals of River Profiles to Test Orogenic Models for the Eastern and Southeastern Carpathians. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021. (12 citations)
- van der Wal, Jorien LN, Nottebaum, \relax VC, Gailleton, Boris, Stauch, G, Weismüller, C, Batkhishig, O, Lehmkuhl, F, Reicherter, K. Morphotectonics of the Northern Bogd Fault and Implications for Middle Pleistocene to Modern Uplift Rates in Southern Mongolia. Geomorphology, 2020. (12 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, Hugh Denny, Mudd, Simon Marius, Graf, Emma L, Matenco, Liviu. Isolating Lithologic versus Tectonic Signals of River Profiles to Test Orogenic Models for the Eastern and Southeastern Carpathians. Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr, 2020. (0 citations)
- Bernard, Thomas, Sinclair, Hugh D, Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon M, Ford, Mary. Lithological Control on the Post-Orogenic Topography and Erosion History of the Pyrenees. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019. (45 citations)
- Mudd, Simon M, Clubb, Fiona J, Gailleton, Boris, Hurst, Martin D. How Concave Are River Channels?. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2018. (75 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon M., Clubb, Fiona J., Peifer, Daniel, Hurst, Martin D.. A Segmentation Approach for the Reproducible Extraction and Quantification of Knickpoints from River Long Profiles. No Journal, 2018. (0 citations)
- Gailleton, Boris, Steer, Philippe, Davy, Philippe, Schwanghart, Wolfgang. Exploring fluvial morphodynamics through scales. European General Assembly 2024 (EGU24), 2024.
- Olive, Jean-Arthur L, Oryan, Bar, Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca Claude, Jolivet, Romain. Inferring Spatially-Variable Rock Uplift from Fluvially-Incised Landscapes: a Bayesian Inversion Framework in $\chi$-space. conf, 2024.
- Oryan, Bar, Olive, Jean-Arthur L, Jolivet, Romain, Malatesta, Luca Claude, Gailleton, Boris, Bruhat, Lucile. Subduction sculpting when megathrusts sleep: How interseismic deformation encodes a signature of plate locking in forearc landscapes. conf, 2024.
- Ruiz Sánchez-Oro, Marina, Mudd, Simon M, Gailleton, Boris. Determining the correct river incision mechanism under different climatic and lithological conditions using disorder metrics. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2023.
- Gailleton, Boris, Steer, Philippe, Davy, Philippe, Schwanghart, Wolfgang, Bernard, Thomas. GraphFlood: a fast stationary solution for 2D hydrodynamics in landscapes evolution models. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2023.
- Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume, Aminov, Jovid, Ruiz, Diego, van der Linden, Thomas, Gailleton, Boris, Roperch, Pierrick, Poblete, Fernando, Meijer, Niels, Kaya, Mustafa, Licht, Alexis, others. New tools on Terra Antiqua 2.0 applied to reconstructing the paleogeography of the India-Asia collision. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2023.
- Steer, Philippe, Gailleton, Boris, Davy, Philippe, Lague, Dimitri. Développement d'un nouveau modèle numérique de dynamique des paysages pour étudier l'impact des évènements extrêmes sur la dynamique des reliefs. RST 2023, 2023.
- Gailleton, Boris, Steer, Philippe, Davy, Philippe, Schwanghart, Wolfgang, Bernard, Thomas. GraphFlood: un algorithme efficace pour simuler l'hydrodynamisme dans les modèles d'évolution de paysages et les MNT haute-résolutions. RST 2023, 2023.
- Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca, Braun, Jean, Cordonnier, Guillaume, Bovy, Benoit. (Un) predictability of sediment pathways in the transport sections of Source to Sink systems. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2022.
- Shobe, Charles, Braun, Jean, Yuan, Xiaoping, Campforts, Benjamin, Gailleton, Boris, Baby, Guillaume, Guillocheau, Francois, Robin, Cecile. Deciphering Passive Margin Stratigraphy to Reveal Seascape Evolution Processes. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2022.
- Oryan, Bar, Olive, Jean-Arthur L, Malatesta, Luca Claude, Gailleton, Boris, Jolivet, Romain. Spatial patterns of long-term forearc uplift inferred from river profiles, and their comparison with short-term deformation. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2022.
- Voigtländer, Anne, Turowski, Jens M, Gailleton, Boris. Stressed landscape evolution. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2022.
- Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca, Braun, Jean, Cordonnier, Guillaume. Dynamic modelling framework to track sediment provenance and solve lakes in long-term landscape evolution models. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2021.
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, Hugh, Mudd, Simon, Graf, Emma, Matenco, Liviu. Unravelling present days tectonics from channel steepness in a lithologically complex landscape. RST 2021 , 2021.
- Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon, Clubb, Fiona, Hurst, Martin, Grieve, Stuart. Importance of concavity for interpreting rates and patterns of landscape evolution from river profiles. conf, 2020.
- Harries, Rebekah, Kirstein, Linda, Whittaker, Alex, Attal, Mikael, Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon. Linking source to stratigraphy through sediment transport: The importance of spatially variable climate on the evolution of the Argentine Andes. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2020.
- Gailleton, Boris, Malatesta, Luca Claude, Braun, Jean, Cordonnier, Guillaume. Lagrangian framework to simulate landscapes with local sinks and independently solved fluxes of water, sediment, and tracers. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2020.
- Olive, Jean-Arthur L, Malatesta, Luca Claude, Gailleton, Boris. Quantifying the efficiency of river erosion in up-warped fault blocks and its tectonic implications. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2020.
- Clubb, Fiona Jane, Mudd, Simon M, Grieve, Stuart WD, Hurst, Martin D, Gailleton, Boris, Milodowski, David T, Valters, Declan, Goodwin, Guillaume. LSDTopoTools: open-source software for topographic analysis. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2019.
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, Hugh, Mudd, Simon, Matenco, Liviu. Tectonic versus lithologic controls on river channel gradients.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2019.
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, Hugh, Mudd, Simon. Differential post-orogenic topography along the Romanian Carpathians.. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2018.
- Sinclair, Hugh Denny, Walcott, Rachel, Naylor, Mark, Gailleton, Boris. Catchment shape of Himalayan Rivers determined by lateral drainage capture. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018.
- Gailleton, Boris, Sinclair, Hugh, Mudd, Simon, Attal, Mikael. Topographic analysis across the active to post-orogenic decaying Carpathian mountain range. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2017.
- Gailleton, Boris, Mudd, Simon M, Clubb, Fiona Jane. Automated Detection of Knickpoints and Knickzones Across Transient Landscapes. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017.